· Premium reserved ticket in the first 15 rows - or - one general admission ticket (where applicable)
· Pre-show Meet & Greet with Tommy Emmanuel CGP
· Autographed 8x10 photo
· Early venue entry
· Early access to merch table
Tommy Emmanuel CGP Front Row Meet & Greet Package
Package includes:
· Premium reserved ticket in the front row - or - one general admission ticket (where applicable)
· Pre-show Meet & Greet with Tommy Emmanuel CGP
· Autographed 8x10 photo
· Early venue entry
· Early access to merch table
Tommy Emmanuel CGP Meet & Greet Upgrade
Package includes:
· Pre-show Meet & Greet with Tommy Emmanuel CGP
· Autographed 8x10 photo
*Upgrades available in select markets
VIP Purchasers will receive an email with check-in details 24-48 hours prior to your event. If you do not receive an email, you can find the check-in details HERE.
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