
We work closely with touring artists to make sure fans are given an elevated experience at the concert for an artist they adore. We've worked closely with the artist and their team to offer a custom fit solution to the program at hand. We've done everything from autographed posters to joining an artist on stage during the show! Let's Work Together!
Peso Pluma Meet & Greet
Peso Pluma Meet & Greet

Merch & Commerce

We can design, build and maintain your online store. These components are standard with Please & Thank You.

Every day we ship thousands of packages for your favorite artists. These packages range from general store merchandise to concert tickets, exclusive VIP merchandise, and fan club membership packages. Let's Work Together!
photo merch

Digital Services

At Please & Thank You our digital team is here to help you take charge of your digital presence. We'll provide you with a dedicated account representative to guide you through the process of conceptualizing your brand, designing and building your website, and connecting with your audience. Let's Work Together!
Digital Service Clients
Digital Service Clients

Brand Partnerships

We work closely with our artist partners, brands and consumers to deliver some very special experiences at isolated events. Our independent events range from concert afterparties & corporate bookings all the way down to an intimate dinner & city tour experience with marquee talent. Let's Work Together!
Gary Clark Jr. + Spotify